Sunday, November 24, 2013

Advent Recollection November 23 2013 Assumption Chapel podcast

Main Points: 

  • Understand more the mystery of the word becoming flesh. John 1 verse 14.
  • Theme, God says I want to be with my people . Love desires closeness. Incarnation has to continue.
  • Verbum domini 28. All called to reproduce mystery of incarnation in our own lives.
  • Annunciation first step 1. Listening. Mary helps simplify our faith. Mary helps us listen. Quality of listening to God.
  • Vigilance in listening. They were waiting for the Messiah. The King of kings in the most lowly of places. Manger is  lowly not as lowly as the cross.
  • John 14.  V 23.
  • St. Bernard three comings one in invisible. Vigilant. If we have preparation.
  • Second step assimilate takes time for flavor analogy.  Mary allows Word to challenge her, need it. In our life too fast. Process takes time. Be patient . Mary treasured . Mary teaches us how to assimilate. Reality , as we are with Jesus as we are with everybody else. 
  •  Live word starts to become flesh. Mary conceived in her heart before the womb. Division faith and life.
  • Separation the faith and the life. Devotion must be shown in our life. Determined determination .
  • More of a monologue than dialogue. Biggest sin. We refuse to listen to God.  He is there but we don't . Incarnation glass elevators analogy . One goes up 
  • Announce / share / give. Immediately after annunciation is the visitation . Mary does not keep Jesus for herself.
  • Not just receiving receiving. Not me me . What we receive not only for us . But many people, can't fake giving Jesus. Story parents. TV VCR sky cable . What effect on family. Material more materialistic. What gift will you give?give Jesus. What you sow is what you will reap . Time to prepare,

Reflection questions
1. Are you ready for coming? What needs to be prepared ?

2, What stops process word becoming flesh ?

3. What Word are you called to make flesh today? .

4. How can we give Jesus this Christmas to our loved ones?

For more on Christ the King you may go here. 

Main lecture audio is here.

Homily of the mass that afternoon is here.

All Verbum Dei Audio in Dropbox here.

Videos shown at the recollection

Saturday, November 23, 2013

School of the Word Nov 20 2013 with podcast


  • Feature of king? In gospel? Glory, splendor. Power?
  • Contrary being mocked. Jesus . Humiliation. Being crucified .
  • In minds we can not associate power with the cross. It's about victory, wisdom, power. Gospel. Where are you Lord?
  • Tsunami ? Child why did I suffer so much ? Pope Benedict . No real answer . But I can assure you , the God who was revealed in Jesus not indifferent to suffering, . He himself embraced suffering,
  • In the creed. He suffered. Early life. The line stated suffered.
  • The one who perseveres till the end. Embrace the struggle , pain, contradiction. I do it for love. Suffering for the sake of suffering saves no one. But saved love of Jesus. Passion. Capacity to suffer for the sake. Revealing. Not afraid of being vulnerable . Father forgive them.
  • Landslide Valenzuela . Some blamed God. But always with us. Jesus came in order to restore paradise. With his own flesh and blood. The way to build a kingdom, giving ourselves out of love.

Discussion Questions
1. What does the feast of Christ the king mean to you now?
2. In second reading . Dominated by other powers?
3. Gospel- what can we learn from Jesus in order to fulfill the mission.

This week's Gospel readings are here.

Mediafire of the podcast for this week is here (podcast) 

All Verbum Dei Audio in Dropbox here.

page 623 in Sharper Than A Sword  by Father James McTavish

Mediafire for all the School of the Word audio is here:

Special Bonus. Homily of Father James for the same topic  given at mass Saturday Nov 23 2013 is here.