- Main theme: God's love for all humans. His mercy and his compassion. It is Eternal. Jesus laid down his life so all may have Life. With a capital "L"
- Restoring masterpieces . You are God's Work of Art
- That is the constant theme here that we are blind to God's love. Despite our blindness God's love is still there. Mercy and compassion. We just have to wake up.
- The symbolism of tearing down the house and building it up again.
- God wants us to listen to Him and follow Him completely
- Second reading - This is not about you. It is about God.
- Nicodemus was closet admirer of admirer of Jesus. Element of shame.
- Part of the work of the Church is to restore damaged lives. through the sacrament of reconciliation and through giving back dignity.
Audio of the talk.
Mediafire of the podcast for this week is here
Dropbox link for the podcast is here.
All Verbum Dei Audio in Dropbox here.
page 285 in Sharper Than A Sword by Father James McTavish