It was a memorable evening. First things first. The priority is the message of the Lord via the homily in the mass.
Rough Outline of the Homily
- The Lord is coming. To celebrate is very important .Take off your robe of mourning . Take off your robe of sadness. No sad faces . Light of his glory. His mercy and justice for company. The Lord is working.
- The Lord has done great things. Be thankful . Going home to Christmas .
- The coming of the Lord. Many external preparations . Must not forget to prepare our hearts . Christ is born in us . Prepare the way of the Lord. Fill the valleys and level the mountains. More at home with the Word of the Lord.
- More hearts and more lives. The gospel gives me hope . Carry on. Form apostles in the world of Today .
- The Word adds taste to our daily lives.
- Story of Scottish Soup .
- Bottom line presence of Christ , Word of God , something is lacking . Home in Him.
Audio for the homily from Dec 5 2015 is here: Dropbox and OneDrive!42826&authkey=!ANnOhSNUFFEtMNw&ithint=file%2cmp3
Mediafire for all the School of the Word audio is here:
All Verbum Dei Audio in Dropbox here.
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